In the vibrant streets of Seoul, a passionate artist named Min-ji dreams of showcasing her artworks in a gallery. When she meets Jin-ho, a successful architect seeking inspiration for his latest project, their lives intertwine in unexpected ways. As they collaborate, a beautiful romance blossoms amidst the challenges of ambition and misunderstanding. Will their love withstand the pressures of their careers, or will it fade away like a forgotten masterpiece? Join Min-ji and Jin-ho on a heartfelt journey of dreams, love, and the sacrifices made in pursuit of happiness.
About the Author: Priya is a budding author with a passion for storytelling. Inspired by the beauty of love and art, she weaves tales that touch the heart.
🌟 #1 in shortstorycollection ( 3 December 2020 )
🌟 #1 in Cousins ( 8 January 2021 )
🌟 #1 in shortlovestories( 24 December 2020)
🌟 #4 in feelings ( 10 February 2021)
🌟 #5 in destiny ( 1 February 2021 )
A collection of Romantic short stories.....
Settle down with a cup of tea or coffee with some cookies and treat yourself with these romantic stories. Enjoy.
➡️Pictures and GIFs aren't owned by me and belongs to their respective owners and also the credit goes to them.
➡️ ⚠️ WARNING⚠️