"Confusion...the name of this ocean in which I dwell."
Set in the magical world of Laeterra, following the events of Ocean of Hues, Inigo Lenahan is in a bind. His tentative ally, Iago, has been captured by the criminal organisation known as Libera, and thanks to a past half-remembered, their leader now has him in her crosshairs.
Half isn't enough, though. He craves the whole picture, and by playing this game, he knows he can find the answers he seeks. With Modum as his destination, he pursues Libera - but the Mikado doesn't plan to make things easy for him.
To that, he says "game on". No matter what his various enemies say, he will reach the finish line, and he will unshackle himself, Iago and everyone between them from their chains, however literal they may be.
It is he who shall clear the mist. He may not know who "Inigo" is, but he will not let anyone else hold the cards.