Psyops MKUltra Diary follows Marcus Steele, a seemingly ordinary boy whose life begins to unravel as he discovers he is part of a covert government experiment. Raised by foster parents who hide the truth from him, Marcus starts to experience strange supernatural abilities, including telepathy and telekinesis. As he grows older, he notices mysterious visitors frequently meeting with his parents, all while his powers continue to develop. When Marcus grows closer to his girlfriend, Candace, he learns that she, too, shares similar abilities and a hidden past. Together, they begin to uncover the truth about their involvement in the MKUltra project, a secretive program designed to enhance their abilities for a purpose neither of them fully understands. As they dig deeper, Marcus and Candace must confront the reality of their origins, the looming control of the shadowy organization behind it all, and decide whether to embrace their powers or fight against those who seek to control them.
4 parts