In a world where light has been lost to a relentless shadow, Kaelan has lived a simple life, unaware of his true lineage as the last heir of the kingdom's light. When a cloaked figure bestows upon him a mysterious stone, his world shifts, awakening memories of a kingdom once vibrant and creatures that guarded it with fierce loyalty. Now, corrupted by the queen's dark magic, dragons, fae, and fallen guardians roam as menacing shadows, bound to her cruel will. Guided by Freydis, a warrior with a tragic past, Kaelan embarks on a journey into the heart of the mist-covered realm, unlocking powers he never knew he had. But each step closer to the truth means facing the darkness within himself-and the sacrifices that must be made to reclaim a kingdom plunged into despair. As Kaelan's path intertwines with forgotten guardians and ancient forces, he must rise as the kingdom's last hope, battling for a light that demands loss, courage, and an unyielding spirit. In The Kingdom of Eternal Mist, the stakes are high, and the costs are greater. Will Kaelan be strong enough to break the queen's curse, or will he lose everything to the shadows that lurk within?