In the shadowed world of the Darkwoods, a land twisted by centuries of bitter bloodshed, two forces wage a relentless war: the Hunters, guardians of humanity, and the Wulvinkin, fierce beasts seen as mankind's mortal foes. No ray of sunlight pierces the canopy above, and peace has long been forgotten-until a flicker of hope arises.
Wilco "Bad Wolf" Grimm, a battle-hardened Hunter, and Crimson "Red" Valentine, bound by blood to the Wulvinkin, meet in a fateful encounter that challenges everything they know. Against all odds, these two young warriors find a light within one another, an unbreakable connection that defies the darkness surrounding them.
But as the corruption of the Darkwoods seeps into their hearts and minds, they face a terrible choice: succumb to the forces dividing their world, or escape together, risking everything to defy a fate written in shadows.