In una Roma eterna e decadente, dove il sole tramonta sui marmi antichi e la storia si mescola con il presente, viveva un'antica stirpe di vampiri. Questi non erano i mostri delle leggende, ma esseri eleganti e misteriosi che si muovevano tra gli umani come ombre, con una grazia quasi sovrannaturale. La loro regina, Anthea, regnava da secoli, mantenendo la pace tra il suo popolo e gli abitanti della città, fino a quando un misterioso straniero, con il potere di alterare la loro antica magia, non arrivò a mettere tutto in discussione.
It's 2011, ten years since the terrorists failed to burn down the world trade center. They were the world's big introduction to Supers. Those Terrorists took control of the planes with telekinesis, telepathy, and inhuman strength. the only reason the twin towers still stands is because several civilians rose up to stop the plans from crashing and rescue the hostages. These Supers were our first introduction to heroes outside of comic books. They were rookies never having used their powers in such a way before but they succeeded with minimal casualties. It's been a decade since the reveal of Supers to the world. It has been difficult for society to adjust. Humanity didn't like learning that they weren't at the top of the food chain anymore. This Story follows one young man and his friends as they discover and decide how to wield their own abilities. His name is Jason Sinclair. He's a lot more "super" than most. This is his Story.