When a seemingly perfect girl ends her own life, dark secrets surface...
Isabella Abbott, with the luscious blonde locks and the sparkly, Barbie-like dresses had it all: popularity, loving friends and parents, a vast collection of clothes and makeup, and looks that most girls would die for.
But, all along, that was merely a deceitful, well-crafted mask. A mask made to conceal her inner thoughts, her struggling mind and her cold, unfeeling heart.
Isabella thought she had kept her thoughts safely locked in her pink diary. That's until her neighbour, Elizabeth Hawkins, a clever and determined girl, breaks in her house and steals the precious journal.
What secrets will Elizabeth uncover about the beloved girl, who was believed to be innocent and flawless?
When someone dies mysteriously during a Psych experiment, Rhiannon becomes enmeshed in a conspiracy that includes both the survivors and the killer.
Short on cash, Rhiannon Ford signs up to take part in a social psychology experiment based on group think. But when a participant dies under mysterious circumstances, and the story surrounding that death seems mired in conflicting lies, she's quickly drawn into a web of conspiracies that merge urban legends, rivalries, and the very psychological principle the test was about. When everyone is lying, how can Rhiannon find the truth?
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