In the heart of a bustling university, Lando Norris finds himself haunted by vivid nightmares that blur the line between reality and the supernatural. Each night, he dreams of a captivating figure-a male with wavy brown hair, caramel eyes, and an ancient presence, whose blood-stained fangs hint at dark secrets. The dreams intensify, revealing the enigmatic name: Pia.
As Lando struggles to decipher the meaning behind these visions, he discovers an ancient vampire named Oscar Piastri, whose image eerily mirrors that of his dream companion. On Halloween night, the boundary between dreams and reality shatters when Pia steps into Lando's world, revealing himself to be Oscar-a creature bound by destiny and drawn to Lando in ways he cannot fully understand.
With his friends growing concerned for his well-being, Lando must navigate the complexities of an otherworldly connection that transcends time and mortality.
Ready or not, Lando's destiny is calling. And it's wearing fangs.
Nati is a senior at Freeridge High and is ready to graduate and move away. But someone from her past comes and changes her mind. Will Nati follow her dreams or stay in Freeridge?
*Written in first person*
*Inspired by On My Block*