In the haunting year of 1989, Michael Afton ventures into the dark secrets of his father's past, descending into the eerie depths of Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. What begins as a mission to end his father William's twisted legacy soon turns into a nightmare as Michael encounters the tormented animatronics left behind-living remnants of a sinister design. Guided by the mysterious Circus Baby, Michael navigates a maze of darkened hallways, hidden rooms, and mechanical horrors, each one holding fragments of his family's troubled past. As he faces monstrous creations like Funtime Freddy and Ballora, Michael is pushed to the brink, learning that his journey will cost him more than he ever imagined. In a final confrontation with the elusive Ennard, Michael must risk everything to survive, reclaim his life, and find peace. But the horrors of his father's sins are not so easily left behind. This harrowing tale of survival, redemption, and sacrifice reveals the dark truths that lie at the heart of the Afton family's legacy. Once you step into Michael's world, you may find it impossible to leave. Book cover was created by Funti