In the heart of Beijing, Neni's life unfolds as a poignant tale of hope, loss, and resilience. Orphaned at a young age, she endures unimaginable challenges, from a childhood of longing for her mother to the struggles of adulthood. Her world shatters when she learns the devastating truth about her mother's fate, leaving her broken and questioning the purpose of her existence.
Supported by her loving husband, Ryene, and their son, Kaizu, Neni fights to rebuild her life amidst the shadows of her trauma and her past. Yet, just as she begins to find solace in her small joys, destiny strikes a final, bittersweet blow.
This story is a moving exploration of the human spirit, the weight of unfulfilled dreams, and the power of love to heal even the deepest wounds. It is a testament to the courage it takes to find light in the darkest corners of life and the peace that comes with letting go.
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope, & Neni had faith in her own hopes.
But sometimes our hopes is nothing.
*Wattys 2018 Winner / Hidden Gems*
Weeks before Valentine's, seventeen-year-old Kate Lapuz goes through her first ever breakup, but soon she stumbles upon a mysterious new app called My Dream Boyfriend, an AI chatbot that has the ability to understand human feelings. Casually, she participates in the app's trial run but finds herself immersed in the empathic conversations with her customizable virtual boyfriend, Ecto.
In a society both connected and alienated by technology, Kate suspects an actual secret admirer is behind Ecto. Could it be the work of the techie student council president Dion or has Kate really found her soulmate in bits of computer code? She decides to get to the bottom of the cutting-edge app. Her search for Ecto's real identity leads Kate to prom, where absolute knowledge comes with a very steep price.