Looking diffrent and standing out from all the others in your controlled little town sucks. Aleda has never fitten in,being a oversized rabbit with dragon wings,horns,claws and a dragon tail. She sticks out like a sore thumb,and she's perfectly ok with that. So,what do you do as an outcast?Aleda found 3 other suckers and forced them into making a safe haven with her for weirdos like them!A place where they can be diffrent and be who they are without being judged.
With Aledas loud,obnoxious attitude,Ziege being a paranoid scitzo,Gideon being a depressed 'I hate everyone' ahh emo and Buddy being a flat out nerd,join the four outcasted weirdos as they get themselves into all sorts of trouble!
if you enjoy this little webcomic series I'm doing, why not try see em animated?check out my channel and help support meh!