In the vast silence of space, Earth, a vibrant, life-filled planet finds herself inexplicably drawn to the Galaxy, her luminous cosmic sentinel. As Earth spins in her lonely orbit, craving something beyond her own skies, the Galaxy watches in wonder, enchanted by Earth's vivid beauty. Through shimmering starlight and glistening meteors, they begin a conversation across the void, sharing secrets, dreams, and memories from opposite ends of infinity. But as their love grows, so does the bittersweet truth: though bound by affection, they are forever separated by light-years.
When the final battle of hogwarts is over, too many people were lost. So the Emerald Trio (aka golden trio) and their friends decided to travel to the past to change the course of the future.
Hogwarts Legacy Crossover
(Does NOT follow movies. New stroyline. Some dates may differ.)
*I do NOT own Harry Potter or J.K Rowling's characters*