In a quaint town in North Carolina during the vibrant 90s, the locals live in a constant state of fear, being terrorized by a duo of mysterious killers. It's up to a group of teen-friends to unmask the identities of these two elusive murderers..however, they may be closer to uncovering the chilling truths of these Silverpine Killers than they thought...
This book includes: Death, Profanity, su-ide, SA, kidnapping, and toxic behaviors. If any of these topics make you uncomfortable I do NOT recommend reading. ⚠️
About the book;
This book is inspired by 'Leatherface; Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and 'Scream' and falls under the genres of Thriller, Horror, and Mystery.
Keep in mind that some of these characters do not belong to us.
This book was written by multiple writers including Me, Sunnyra1nstorm (Author of OUTBREAK; The Final Hour, a One Last Time AU), and Edgarallenpoe 13 year old wife.
I hope you all enjoy reading the book!