In a world of extraordinary powers and dangerous factions, Ultra is a high school student whose super-speed is just the start of his unique abilities. Known as the only survivor of the devastating raid on the International Space Colony, he is both a hero and a target, haunted by a past he can't escape. Now a student at A.U. High, Ultra navigates a complex life, where friendships and alliances can be as perilous as the enemies lurking in the shadows. When a sinister threat-the ruthless absorbers-launches an invasion against his city, Ultra is thrust into a battle that could decide the fate of his friends, his home, and even himself.
As the absorbers press in, Ultra discovers unsettling truths and forms unexpected bonds, uncovering that another hidden faction-the Department of Order-may be behind the horrific colony raid that left him traumatized and alone. With the weight of the city and his past on his shoulders, Ultra must decide who to trust and how far he's willing to go to protect those he cares about, even as darker forces close in.
In a world where heroes are made and enemies are forged, Ultra's journey is one of survival, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of freedom.
A ragtag gang of teens teams up with a neighboring girl gang when a major cartel moves into town, threatening their families, their turf, and the community they've worked so hard to protect.
Cash West formed the Seven 20s - a gang of six overzealous teens with guns - to keep his tiny, crime-infested town in nowhere California safe. His methods are unorthodox and frankly illegal, but the town loves his Robin Hood heroics. However, the gang gets more than they bargained for when the Mendoza cartel rolls into town, determined to knock them off the map. As the threat hits closer to home, Cash has no choice but to team up with his ex-girlfriend Tiana's neighboring girl gang, the Hearts of Spades. Soon allies become enemies, families get trapped in the crossfire, and romance brews as Cash fights to unravel a massive conspiracy that puts everyone that matters to him at risk. When the stakes are life and death, will the gangs be able to overcome an enemy more powerful than any of them could have predicted?
Book One of The Seven Twenties Series
Content and Trigger Warning: contains violence, drug use, mentions of domestic abuse, and mature themes.