In the enchanting streets of Lyon, Anastasia's life takes a tragic turn when she is called back to Bordeaux to care for her ailing mother after the untimely deaths of her father and sisters. Amidst the chaos of grief, she discovers that her family harbors a powerful legacy of magic, a secret she must protect at all costs. But when her sinister Aunt Madam Grey's butler kidnaps her, Anastasia finds herself thrust into a dangerous world where shadows lurk and ancient powers are at stake. With her family's magic under threat, she must navigate a web of deception while enlisting the help of three charming butlers, each possessing their own unique magical abilities-and all harboring romantic feelings for her. As her younger brother, Jules, determined to help despite his tender age of 18, dives into the world of magic alongside Gabriel, his best friend, and Charlotte, Anastasia's loyal confidante, the siblings must confront dark forces that threaten to consume their family legacy. Amidst the clashing of hearts and the ticking of clocks, Anastasia grapples with her growing feelings for the butlers and the weight of her family's fate. Will she find a way to harness her power and save her loved ones, or will the dark magic tear them apart forever? Dive into a tale of love, family, and the fight against darkness in Clocks and Buttons.