In a world where cosmic forces collide with earthly champions, follows the journey of Viraje, the son of the Sanatan god Hanuman. Gifted with immense power and trained by his hardships, Viraje emerges as a formidable protector tasked with maintaining the balance between realms. When whispers of an impending war echo through the Silver Realms, he must rally with his friends-Asriel, the Son of the Archangel Raphael, and Celesta, the Maiden Daughter of Tara-to confront a threat that transcends mortal comprehension. As the trio prepares for battle, the Justice League stands unaware of the forces at play, their arrogance blinding them to the true scope of power that exists beyond their grasp. As Viraje grapples with his identity as both a guardian and a potential adversary to Earth's heroes, he faces challenges that will test his strength, resolve, and understanding of what it means to wield such power responsibly. With celestial beings emerging from the shadows, will this hero be able to emerge victorious or not.