The story unfolds during Pokémon GO, where Ash embarks on a new adventure and encounters Kora Blackthorn, a mysterious 10-year-old girl with a shadowed past.
Kora's life took a dark turn when her village was destroyed by an unknown force, leaving her as the only survivor.
Haunted by fragmented memories of that night, she was left with a darkening illness she calls Shadow Decay.
The illness not only weakens her body but has affected both her eyes, causing the sclera to darken, black veins to emerge, and sometimes inflicting her with excruciating pain.
Kora suffers from haunting visions of a colossal creature roaming ancient landscapes-visions that led her to a ruined jungle temple, where she encountered Ramarak, a massive, armored beast that had appeared only in her dreams.
The bond between Kora and Ramarak was immediate, a connection rooted in shared suffering and an unspoken understanding.
They have become an inseparable pair, traveling alongside Ash, as Kora seeks answers about her illness and the secrets tied to Ramarak's origins.
She believes the key to curing her lies within the ancient ruins and the mysterious energy that binds her to Ramarak.
Despite the toll Shadow Decay takes on her, Kora experiences rare bursts of heightened senses during episodes, yet each episode brings her closer to physical collapse.
Alongside Ash, Pikachu and Ramarak, Kora hopes to uncover the mysteries of her past, find healing, and perhaps a sense of belonging.
what Toad Skywalker hates most in the world that are worse than demons is guys getting cucked by other guys like bullies with bigger dicks who call themselves alpha males because it happened to him when his ex girlfriend cheated on him with one of his womanizing bullies and it happened to his mom and sister when his dad cheated on his mother with a younger woman and his sister was cheated on by her boyfriend with her best friend so now they became more powerful in both body and mind so they wouldn't be affected by any mind control spell or even the most powerful aphrodisiac. they formed a team of misfits who got cheated on by their lovers and want revenge on their lovers and the men who cucked them. Toad gathered every NTR protagonist so they can RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT'S DONE!!!