This story follows Lucy Chen, a police officer grappling with intense inner turmoil and the pressures of her demanding career. Despite the support of her boyfriend Tim and her mother Zoe, who is also her captain, Lucy struggles in silence, hiding her growing depression and an eating disorder that erodes her sense of self. Her journey takes a poignant turn when she meets Emily, a troubled young girl whose vulnerability and pain resonate deeply with Lucy's own. As Lucy becomes emotionally invested in helping Emily, she confronts reflections of her own struggles, finding both purpose and haunting reminders in her attempts to support the girl. The bond between them grows, yet it reveals the fragile limits of what Lucy can carry. Caught between her need to protect others and her own unraveling mental health, Lucy's resilience is tested to its breaking point. With raw and unfiltered emotion, the story delves into themes of self-sacrifice, vulnerability, and the hidden battles many face alone, challenging assumptions about strength and healing.