It wasn't worth it .. It never was . Tens of lives were lost and one of them was hers , Now another faces a monster , something she wished someone else would never have to do . Though this one is different .. This girls whole life was found out to be a lie. She always wondered if he was the monster she never wanted to be or a lover ? Was the other a brother or just a lost creature trying to find his way to their long lost family and home ? She was never going to understand .. And with every decision or step she took , problems were born and with them nightmares in which came to life . That was until the static stopped and with it everything else. With it , the lakes dried and there was no where to drown .. With it the cages faded and there was nowhere to be held in. With it the colors of the lost innocence and belief ate it's way to the surface , killing all that was foul and dark . [Note : You don't have to know the previous story in order to understand this one .] [Book 2 of the remember me book ]All Rights Reserved