The year is 12,867.
The year is 12,867 and the Empires have been destroyed.
The year is 12,867 and the wreckage is unthinkable.
The year is 12,867 and Joel seems to be the only one who hasn't fled elsewhere.
The year is 12,867 and Joel's got no idea what the hell he's doing.
The year is 12,867, he's got no idea where his wife is, and he thinks he might have a broken leg.
The year is 12,867... help?
Joel finds his wife, Lizzie, near a shipwreck. She, however, appears to have lost all recollection of herself. She goes by the name Gemma, and says she is on a quest to find the artifact that makes her remember her old self. Will it all work out, or will Lizzie be lost forever?
a/n: this went from a gift to a passion project. if you are reading, know the care I put into this. to @Pearlescentmoon12335, for a secret santa. and to @Rainyjoi2009, for shouting at me to update. I sincerely hope everyone enjoys.
HEADS UP: This is not my art, I merely found it on Google.
This is mainly just some TommyInnit Gore/Angst.. And I hope you enjoy!
Suicidal thoughts
Family fights
Weapon use
Drinking (Underage)