The story takes place in the divided kingdom of Eldrith, where magic is deeply intertwined with the land and its creatures. The kingdom is divided into several regions, each governed by a different house, and is known for its majestic drakes-massive, intelligent creatures that bond with humans to form powerful partnerships. The region is marked by ancient ruins, enchanted forests, and treacherous mountains, all harboring secrets and dangers. Protagonist: Aria Nightingale - A fierce, determined 18-year-old who has always been an outcast in her own family due to her weak magical abilities. Aria is clever and resourceful, often relying on her wits rather than brute strength. She has a deep desire to prove herself and find a place in a world that views her as lesser. Secondary Characters: Kael Stormrider - A brooding, enigmatic prince of House Stormrider, who is renowned for his skill in drake riding. He is haunted by the loss of his brother in a recent battle and struggles with the weight of his family's expectations. Seraphine - Aria's childhood friend, a talented mage who excels in elemental magic. She is fiercely loyal to Aria and harbors her own secrets that could change the course of their friendship. Gideon - A former soldier turned mercenary, whose dark past and connections to the black market reveal the underbelly of Eldrith. He becomes an unexpected ally for Aria, offering her insights into the political machinations of the kingdom. Magic System: Magic in Eldrith is tied to elemental forces: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Each mage is born with an affinity for one element, which they can manipulate through spells. However, the use of magic comes with a cost, as excessive use can lead to physical or mental deterioration. The most elite mages form bonds with drakes, amplifying their powers and granting them unique abilities.
4 parts