As the title to this amazing story says, here r a bunch of terrific anime and manga reviews. Anime/Manga deserves a huge shoutout!! As for me, I'm just an otaku who wants to review and recommend some of the animes that made life worth living for me (I'm exaggerating, I hope u can tell XD.) Some were really great to watch or fun to read, and some were just meh (in my opinion). Anyone who wants me to review something next is free to drop a comment. Actually, please do! I'm always looking forward to watching new anime/reading new manga, but I'll need to watch/read the whole thing so forgive me if the review takes some time. So, in all of my reviews, I'll just be putting the name of the manga/anime, its rating, the status, how many episodes there are, a bit of a synopsis, and my own opinion about the anime/manga. Enjoy reading, soon-to-be-otaku! XP A/M is awesome! And don't you forget it! XD