In the bustling town of Maplewood, Isha navigates the chaos of high school. After a day filled with mishaps, she seeks refuge in her favorite café, Chai & Spice, where the aroma of coffee mingles with the sweet scent of Indian treats. Little does she know, this ordinary visit will spark an extraordinary connection.
When Isha unexpectedly encounters her crush, Karthik, sparks fly and butterflies swarm. As a charming conversation turns into a flustered exchange, Isha discovers that Karthik isn't just a crush-he's the charming son of the café's owner. Amid laughter and sweet treats, their playful banter evolves into a date that promises new beginnings.
But will a simple coffee outing turn into something more? As Isha's world shifts from mundane to magical, she must navigate the ups and downs of young love, friendships, and self-discovery. Join Isha on her delightful journey of serendipity, where every sip of coffee comes with a side of romance and every mishap leads to an unforgettable connection.
Perfect for fans of contemporary romance, this enchanting tale explores the sweetness of first love and the unexpected joys of finding one's place in the world-one cup at a time!
Book-1 of Costello series.
Valentina is a free spirited bubbly girl who can sometimes be very annoyingly kind and sometimes just.. annoying. She has lived in Texas as long as she can remember with her mother with no knowledge of her rest of her family.
Suddenly her life takes a huge turn. Loved ones are lost and sudden revelations are made. She is not very good at dealing with changes.
Well let's just say she is in for a huge surprise when she finds out about her father and the fact that she has six brothers.
Yeah that's gonna be fun :)
Yup this is another older brother/ mafia family story. Enjoy!
Best rankings:
#1 in siblings
#1 in Big brothers
#1 in American mafia
#1 in Costello
#1 in cousin
#1 in lost Princess
#2 in mafia brothers
#2 in lost daughter
#3 in badass
#3 in family secrets
#4 in older brother
#5 in sarcasm
#4 in sister
#4 in reunited