7 parts Ongoing Once upon a time, in an ancient world of Remnant, there was a giant meteor that crash landed into an unnamed island. The people of the island were being terrorized by a giant monster as it cause destruction, but a Giant of Light descended from the heaven. The giant manages to defeat the monster, but the giant is severely wounded.
The people there saw the giant as their savior and offer help to the giant, who called himself as Millennium and with that the people there formed a tribe that dedicated their life towards the giant, each of thousand of years their will be one individual that bear the right to become Millennium host and protect the world from danger and named their island as "The Millennial Island" but the island has now gone from the world, lost to time, and so end the legend of the Millennium Giant....
Thousands of years later, a young boy by the name of Jaune Arc was separated from his family in an accident while on a vacation and stumbled across the lost island of Millennial. And for the first time in a thousand years, a new Millennium was chosen.
This Ultraman is from Chaiyo Production, aka Illegal Ultraman. Fuck you Chaiyo for making Ultraman Millennium not Legal to Ultraman franchise.
RWBY are own by Rooster Teeth.