Silent Nightmares follows Miriam, a young woman who returns to the secluded town of Ash Hollow to spend Christmas in her late grandmother's home. But Ash Hollow is not your typical holiday town-it hides a chilling tradition. Every five years, someone mysteriously vanishes during the Christmas season, and this year, the curse is back.
As Miriam begins to settle in, she notices strange things: villagers who avoid her, warnings whispered behind closed doors, and eerie, isolated Christmas lights blinking from the edge of the forest. Digging through her grandmother's old belongings, Miriam uncovers a cryptic note about a promise broken long ago-a debt Ash Hollow hasn't yet paid.
When the clock strikes midnight, a figure in a tattered Santa suit lurks at the edge of the snow-covered woods, watching and waiting. Now, Miriam must unravel the mystery of the disappearances before she becomes the next victim. But as the shadows close in, she realizes the answer might be buried in her own family's past.
Will Miriam have the courage to face the terrifying truth before it's too late?