In the heart of India's cricket world, where every move is analyzed, the unbreakable M.S. Dhoni-the captain known for his calm under pressure and single-minded focus-is about to face his toughest test yet: falling in love. Sakshi, a grounded and fiercely independent hotel management intern who, ironically, can't stand cricket and doesn't recognize the famed captain when their worlds collide.
What begins as an accidental encounter at a hotel soon turns into a story of persistence, friendship, and hilarious misunderstandings.
With plenty of mischief, unexpected texts, and attempts to break down Mahi's walls, this journey is one of romance blooming amidst pranks, loyalty, and the unlikeliest of love stories. Join in on this roller-coaster ride where love sneaks up on even the most unlikely hearts and laughter fills every twist and turn.
story starts from forced marriage track,many scenes are same as show but with my twist.
Here daksh is positive and possessive for anika.
Many secrets are there.........