From the distant reaches of the cosmos, a thick, inky substance slipped quietly down to Earth, undetected. This slime-like being was more than it appeared; it pulsed with a quiet intelligence and an ancient yearning, driven by a single purpose-to find a place to call its own once again.
As it settled in this strange, vibrant world, it sensed an innocent presence nearby-a young girl, blissfully unaware of what approached. With a shiver, the dark matter reached out, binding itself to her, blending with her very essence until her body became its vessel. Through her eyes, it saw the world anew, and through her movements, it began to act.
Patient and calculating, it set plans into motion, whispering to itself of the world it would reshape, the life it would cultivate, and the fallen children it would someday revive. All it needed was time-and she was the perfect disguise.
Wolf 3.0 And His World (Version 2)
More Story, More Power
The stakes: Everything familiar to us could be changed, past and future.
Influences: the dystopic horror of "Wolf", the far-out technology and rampant billionaire of "Prometheus", and the visionary future of "Blade Runner 2049".
In the new chapters:
The Descent
-- A wolf brigade returns to an Earth that has gone terrifyingly wrong.
The Airlift
-- Volcanos erupting around the world, one endangering a city with a unique surviving animal preserve.
-- In above city, to escape the volcano's ravages, a new technology for teleporting millions of people is tried out.
-- UFO touch-down in a town closely situated to Rio de Janeiro when their annual festival is in full swing, and the two shape-shifters escape into the chaos.
The Awakening
-- We listen as Gaia, a future global AI system, taps into the group consciousness of all the characters and blends them into a river of voices in a stream-of-consciousness transcript.