Fifteen years after the original Power Rangers united, a new threat emerges. Thrax, the vengeful son of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, escapes his prison and summons the deadliest enemies of the current Operation Overdrive Rangers-Flurious, Moltor, the Fearcats, Kamdor, and Miratrix. Together, they destroy the Overdrive Rangers' link to the Morphing Grid, leaving them powerless.
The Sentinel Knight intervenes, saving the team and calling on legendary Rangers to help. Responding to his call are Adam Park, the Black Mighty Morphin Ranger; Tiara Harrison, the Red Jetman Ranger; Tori Hanson, the Blue Wind Ranger; Kira Ford, the Yellow Dino Ranger; and Xander Bly, the Green Mystic Force Ranger. These "retro Rangers" arrive just in time to help, but their presence causes tension when they're assigned to replace the Overdrive Rangers.
Feeling replaced, the Overdrive team decides to quit. But when Mack sets out on a mission to retrieve the powerful Excelsior Sword, his teammates join him, reigniting their commitment to being Rangers. Inspired by the motto "Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger," they find strength in their bond and prepare to return to action.
With the retro Rangers' help, the Morphing Grid is restored, and the two teams unite for an epic showdown against Thrax and his alliance. In a fierce final battle, the Rangers prevail, and peace is restored.
As the retro Rangers say their goodbyes, they remind the Overdrive team to stand strong and fight for good, knowing that they're all forever connected by the legacy of the Power Rangers. Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger.
Living in Angel Grove for months has not been easy for Danielle. While everything continuing to fall apart around her, she struggles to find a balance between giving up and pushing on. With her own trauma standing in the way of her recovery, her friends work hard to make sure that she doesn't give up on herself. Despite the constant voices in her head telling her that everything is her fault, Danielle must learn that she needs to trust herself and those around her in order to heal from her own traumas.
Now that Rita Repula, Lord Zedd, and their evil group of monsters have fled the galaxy a new empire of monsters moves in and threatens the city of Angel Grove once again. King Mondo, Queen Machina, and Prince Sprocket intend to wreak havoc on the city. A new team of Power Rangers, known as the Zeo Rangers, is now formed and vow to protect their city. The Rangers will stop at nothing to make sure evil does not reign their streets.