In a world where passion meets vulnerability, Finding Home follows the journey of Ellie, a 23 year old spirited café owner, and Kieran, a 22 year old, dedicated snowboarder with a rising star status. Their paths collide in a cozy ski resort, where an initial spark ignites into a flirtatious connection, only to be complicated by Kieran's rival, Finn, who vies for Ellie's attention. As Kieran wrestles with jealousy and the fear of losing the woman he's grown to love, Ellie finds herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, unsure of her feelings amidst the chaos.
Their relationship blossoms amid the backdrop of Kieran's growing popularity and Ellie's struggles with the online world that accompanies it. Together, they face public challenges, learn to ignore negativity, and ultimately unite to strengthen their bond. As they tackle obstacles side by side, they grow both individually and as a couple, learning the true meaning of home is not merely a physical space but a feeling of safety and belonging found in each other.
In a heartfelt conclusion, Ellie and Kieran reflect on their journey, filled with both joy and trials, and embrace the next chapter of their lives together. With Kieran's proposal to move in and his expression of love, they seal their commitment amidst the promise of future adventures. As they gaze at the stars, ready to face whatever comes next, the book closes on a cliffhanger, hinting at an impending engagement that will take their love story to new heights.