Imagine being 19 in a small town with a good rep, and then all of that getting flipped on its head by one very wrong decision.
For Merk Makenzie, that was all there was in her line of sight. Back in September of 2014, she met a dashing young man that swept her off her feet shortly after she just got out of a bad relationship with another guy. Unfortunately, her story begins at the end of theirs. Or does it?
Merk ran to the toilet bowl again, feeling sick. She had barely eaten that morning and yet she still couldn't help but throw up. Why was her body torturing her this badly?
Being 5 minutes past her guess of 10, she looked up at the ceiling , and asked what she was supposed to even do in this kind of a situation. She had help, but she still felt all alone. Merk closed her eyes, hoping for an answer.
"Why is this so hard?" It came out as more of a whisper than anything else. She needed something.
A few seconds later, she got the call that would change her life forever.