In this alternate storyline, Supernatural follows Sam and Dean Winchester hunting alongside their childhood friend, Katerina Drayton (Nina Dobrev). After her mother's tragic death, John Winchester took Kat under his wing, raising her like a daughter and training her in the ways of hunting. Over the years, Kat became an invaluable part of the family. However, as they face supernatural threats together, her complicated heritage surfaces. Unbeknownst to her, she is the product of both light and evil, making her a valuable ally and a potential threat. While Sam understands the burden of the darkness she feels, Dean feels the need to fix her. As their journey unfolds, she is forced to confront the harsh reality that she could be a weapon for either side in the war between good and evil. In turn, she is torn between the intensity and understanding she feels with Sam, and the stability and connection she feels with Dean.