In an alternate universe of the XLR8verse ⚡️, meet Jamie D. West, a 16 year old demonic wolf troublemaker, (who is actually older than she looks chronologically), known to cause trouble wherever she goes. Whether as an assassin or just as herself, people who knows her has called her either the chaotic devil troublemaker and the chaotic saiyan for years, if not centuries, or millenniums, because she enjoys destruction and chaos.
Now out of GJ's (Global Justice) undisclosed max prison. She roams free doing whatever the hell she wants, and she chooses to basically hide from not only from getting arrested.
So she hides from her wives and ex-girlfriends. Two of them would rather see Jamie sealed. And three of them, still have feelings for this chaotic devil saiyan (even if both sides don't want to admit that they all still love this chaotic devil), just so she can enjoy her freedom. While Jamie also tries to get some of her memories back.
Too bad she's known as the chaotic devil saiyan troublemaker, huh?
So, what will she do, you may ask? Tune in on what'll happen in this story to find out!
Started: 12/6/2024
Finished: unknown (hopefully in 2025 though)
Years (in the KP timeline): 2002-2003
Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, that franchise is rightfully own by Disney, and its creators, Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle.
I also don't own dragon ball either, that is owned by the legend himself, Akira Toriyama (rip legend 🙏🏾), Toei animation, Bandai Namco, and Fuji TV.
PS: this has nothing to do with universe 482 since this isn't part of a universe that is associated with the kage anbu, zero squad, outcast shadows (Nemona's group), squad Alpha (Caitlyn's Squad), the pride troopers (Wyatt's spies), and lastly Sigma squad (Wyatt's assassins). Although, this AU was created by Jamie and Wyatt, meaning there will be a lot of similarities between this universe and the prime universes.
"Me and my beloved! Far away from the cruel world!" she said happily. That bright smile and the shine in her eyes which I was watching after so long tugged my heart.
I knew she only wanted me to be her friend but I still hoped everyday that I could be her beloved!
Sharmishta grows furious when her step-daughter Ragini gets her kidnapped and forces her other daughter Swara to marry Sanskar. She decides she had had enough of Ragini's evil plans and forces her daughter Swara to focus on her own happiness by giving her an ultimatum.
Swara gets heartbroken with her mother's harsh ultimatum but she finds her best friend Sanskar giving her the much needed support. She respects him and considers him to be her true best friend but Sanskar wished to be hers. Her beloved!
Story continues from the Swaragini serial track where Swara and Sanskar are forced to marry each other by Ragini.
Cover pic from the google.