This is the story of me: Kitty Klaws. I am a Killjoy ready to take on the BL/ind forces with my newfound companions: the original Killjoys: Party Poison, Kobra Kid, FunGhoul, and Jet Star; the members of the former Black Veil Brides: Prophet, Deviant, Mourner, Destroyer, and Mystic; and the newest recruitments: Famousblood, Vampire Venom, Hungry Hobbit, and Bethiebaby.
BL/ind took something precious from me, and I'm coming for revenge. Nothing can stop me. Not even my inner being guiding me throughout my journey.
You better have all the fun you can, BL/ind, because listen up! The future is bulletproof! The aftermath is secondary. It's time to do it now and do it loud. Killjoys, MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!