Title: Shadows of Paris: Secrets Unveiled
Charlotte Evans, a rising star in the acting world, moves to Paris and reunites with her childhood friend, Chloe Bourgeois. Staying in Chloe's father's luxurious hotel, Charlotte is drawn into a world of glamour, mystery, and danger. As two new heroes, Ladybug and Black Cat, rise to protect Paris from a sinister new threat, Charlotte finds herself in the middle of the action. Her curiosity and skepticism lead her to a shocking discovery when she catches the eye of Black Cat and senses something unsettling about Ladybug.
But the plot thickens when she notices a strange girl with an unhealthy obsession with Adrien Agreste, a charming classmate whose hidden connection to the city's heroes intrigues her. Determined to uncover the truth, Charlotte sets out to reveal the secret identities of Ladybug and Marinette, unaware that they are one and the same. Will Charlotte's quest for answers put her in danger, or will it bring her closer to unraveling the hidden secrets of Paris?
This title and summary add an air of mystery and suspense, setting up the intrigue and conflicts Charlotte will face as she navigates friendships, hidden identities, and her own intuition.
One day, a curse befell Sensei.
To the students, Sensei became the enemy, and he found himself in a position where he lost everything overnight.
But Sensei does not resent the students. Because he is 'Sensei'.
And Sensei has to face the calamity that would befall Kivotos once again.
[블루 아카이브] 그리고 모든 증오가 시작되는 곳
Author: 비솔티
279+ Chapters (Ongoing)
1,210,000+ Total Words