In the depths of Hell, Alastor-the infamous Radio Demon-finds himself increasingly drawn into the intrigues of the Morningstar himself. Lucifer is both amused and slightly wary of Alastor's presence in the Hotel, curious about the radio demon's motives and his incessant desire for chaos and power. But behind Alastor's charismatic grin and Lucifer's unshakable composure lies a simmering tension neither of them can ignore. As Alastor continues his schemes at the Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer begins to appear more frequently, seemingly watching over the project his daughter has undertaken. He engages Alastor in verbal sparring matches, both men testing the limits of their wit and resolve, neither willing to concede to the other. What begins as a battle of minds slowly turns into an unspoken understanding, a connection neither saw coming. Yet, as they draw closer, they're haunted by the risks of revealing any vulnerability, especially in a realm where power is everything. "Symphony of Sinners" follows a tangled, slow-burn connection that builds between two of Hell's most formidable figures, as they cautiously navigate the thin line between rivalry and something far more dangerous. cover by Rights Reserved