In the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, tales of the infamous Slytherin boys-Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Tom Riddle, and Lorenzo Berkshire-echo through the ages, filled with ambition, power, and dominance. Yet, behind every formidable Slytherin man stands a woman whose strength and resilience often go unnoticed.
This is the story of the Slytherin brides: Celeste Malfoy, Seraphine Zabini, Vivienne Nott, Lysandra Riddle, and Amara Berkshire. Bound by their marriages to some of the most powerful wizards of their time, these women navigate the complexities of love, loyalty, and submission in a world where they are often seen as mere trophies.
As they grapple with the weight of their titles and the expectations placed upon them, the Slytherin brides must discover their own identities and strengths, forging paths of their own amid the shadows of their husbands' ambitions. Together, they redefine what it means to be a Slytherin woman, revealing the untold stories of passion, sacrifice, and empowerment that lie beneath the surface of their marriages.
Join Celeste, Seraphine, Vivienne, Lysandra, and Amara as they challenge societal norms, navigate their complex relationships, and embrace the legacies of their names-proving that behind every great man is an even greater woman.
Marco goes searching for Star at the Blood Moon ball. He goes to grab her hand, but what happens when he grabs somebody else's hand? Let's say, a demons hand that he doesn't get along with? And what if they danced under the light?
Copyright stuff:
I do not own the show Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil. I also do not own any of the characters here. The show was made by Daron Nefcy.