In the late decades of the 21st century, the world has undergone significant changes, including severe climate shifts, consecutive pandemics, border and governmental transformations, and China's undeniable dominance over the global economy, technology, and media. The digital currency, Sinobit, has become prevalent worldwide. China now controls over a quarter of the globe, and even Russia has fallen under its influence after Moscow was devastated in a nuclear disaster, becoming a Chinese colony.
The electronic metropolis of Xiamen faces competition only from Neom in Saudi Arabia. It is governed by a powerful Mother Android located in a section known as the Forbidden City within ChinaCorp, the world's most influential corporation. For decades, as the U.S. and the West declined, the migration of scientists and elites shifted towards China, with people from around the globe seeking better conditions in this major free port of the world's largest economy.
The Russian mafia operates under the control of the city's special police in immigrant neighborhoods, while the most famous club in the city, renowned globally, is run by mafia boss Kornienko. Masha, a superstar at the club, harbors a terrible secret.
The world awaits ChinaCorp to unveil a cyborg that could represent the next human species. However, the story begins with a Japanese teenage immigrant searching through the ruins and waste of factories for something valuable to sell in order to afford the vaccine for the next wave of the pandemic for his family.
Mel Yazzie is a scientist who specialises in many things related to space. Well, Spode, his god, has been trying to get his attention on this... thing, somewhere out in space. Strange markers have been left on his computer Mel knows he didn't place there, he's been having odd dreams, and he's even starting to see these cryptic messages, urging Mel to find this item. This artifact. Eventually, he gives in and leave his solar system to investigate what Spode has been so eager about. If only he instead listened to everything else urging him to stay home and ignore Spode, for this journey has become much more chaotic and deadly than he could have ever expected.