After death, a young lost soul awakens in the spirit world, where memories are vague, and emptiness prevails. Hearing an enigmatic whisper from a mysterious figure named Dona Benny, she discovers that there is a chance to return to life by finding a true connection with another soul, bound by love. On her journey, the novice is guided by a spiritual artist, an intense and wise man who teaches her about the boundaries between pleasure, pain, and emotional surrender.
As the two draw closer, they develop a deep and intense connection, exploring feelings that transcend life and death. However, the novice faces a difficult choice: to remain in the spirit world alongside her new love or to return to the physical life to rediscover who she truly is. Their love is strong, but her nature always pulls her toward choosing life.
With a divided heart, she decides to return to the world of the living, carrying with her the lessons and memories of her spiritual love. Upon returning, she tries to find a new path and reconnect with her life's purpose, yet the bond she shared with the artist endures-a promise that their destinies will cross again. Now, she must discover how to move forward, knowing that despite the distances between worlds, true love is never lost.