BitConnect claims to be an open source, all-in-one bitcoin and crypto community platform designed to provide multiple investment opportunities with cryptocurrency education, where it is entirely possible to find the independence we all desire. The top of the page depicts a man with what is supposed to be a peaceful and serene face. The dream is depicted to be convinced that all its clients are making money with their venture, and among the interaction pictures shown, one can spot a picture of a timing boxing master, the face that stops many from thinking about any kind of Ponzi. But don't believe in this innocent face. The man in this picture is Danny De Hek. He is a very famous name in the Ponzi scheme fraud. A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization. This looks to be the most recent example of a series of Ponzi schemes. The schemes share a recipe based on a combination of concepts that exploit their potential client's eagerness to invest their money, leaving the investors with empty pockets.All Rights Reserved