Hi im Roslin and im from Australia and im gonna talk about how i met these wonderful guys. There was this one time when i landed in Australia for a concert of 5sos and i went 5 days before the concert. The day i landed i went to this outdoor mall and when i was walking around with my sisters Gwen and Crystal, We saw 5sos there! It was incredible! Idk how we saw them there but yeah. So we ran up to them and said hey and stuff and asked for pictures and They all said sure and we all took a group photo and then Luke grabbed my phone and took a selfie on it and then with me kissing my cheek. I was literally crying. Then we walked around the mall more, They didnt mind that we were with them still so we actually went to their hotel bc it turns out their hotel was actually ares too! Luke said " Hey wanna swim " in his accent. Sure, We said screaming. So we all got dresses and aauhhhh Lukes legs are soo socoowpwpdoiwosockdnwk!Todos os Direitos Reservados
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