(ignore the cover)
YHS: Horrorween
The Halloween Festival at YHS is in full swing, with students in costumes enjoying all the seasonal activities. Evan, as usual, decides to stir up a little extra excitement. He whispers to the group that he's found an old, abandoned house just a short walk from the school grounds. It's rumored to have been empty for decades, with strange sightings and even stranger sounds reported by locals. Intrigued by the challenge, most of the group agrees to check it out-except Kyran and Gold, who decide to stay behind.
The Exploration Begins
The group ventures to the old house, laughing off the creepy vibe as Evan cracks jokes. Inside, the air is heavy, the floors creak with every step, and the shadows seem darker than usual. But as they move further in, the laughter fades. Their phones begin to glitch, and eerie whispers seem to drift through the empty rooms. One by one, they start disappearing, drawn into the basement by an unseen force.
Back Outside: Gold's Vigil
Kyran, growing restless after an hour of silence, tells Gold he's going in to find out what's taking so long. He tells her to stay put in case the group returns, but promises he'll be back soon. Gold waits alone in the cold night air, glancing at her phone and shivering as the minutes pass. The sound of leaves rustling puts her on edge, and every shadow makes her feel watched.
The Abduction
Thirty minutes later, Gold feels an odd presence behind her. She's frozen, her mind racing as the air turns icy. Just as she gathers the courage to turn around, she's grabbed from behind. Before she can scream, she's dragged into the house, her phone falling to the ground with a soft thud as she's pulled inside. She's thrown into the basement, where she finds the rest of the group, each of them rattled and trapped.