"Whisper of the lies and pasts" is a haunting tale of love, loss, and the unspoken connections that bind us together. Set against the backdrop of an ordinary café, the story follows a woman who, trapped in her own quiet world, encounters a man whose presence awakens something buried deep within her. Their brief, seemingly inconsequential meeting sets off a series of events that pull them into a complex dance of emotional turmoil, secrets, and dark truths. As the lines between reality and illusion blur, they find themselves confronting their own inner demons, their hearts tangled in a web of passion, fear, and regret.
With every encounter, the stakes grow higher, and the storm brewing between them becomes impossible to ignore. In this slow-burning psychological romance, nothing is as it seems-what lies beneath the surface is far more dangerous than either of them could have anticipated. Will they be able to confront the storm that has begun to form between them, or will they be torn apart by the silence they keep?
A tale of profound emotional depth, this novel explores the fragility of the human heart, the weight of unspoken words, and the haunting power of connection that can either heal or destroy..
في ظلِّ عـلاقـتـهـمـا الغير مُـتـزِنـة الّتي فجأة أضحَت على نحوٍ جـيـد هيَ أخـتـفَـت! ...
سافرَ لِأسبوعان و عاد مُتلهِفاً لِلُقياها و دفنِها داخِل أعـمـاقِـه ، لَكْنهُ لَم يُحقق مُـنـاه كونهُ شاهدَ منزلهُ خـالـيـاً مِـنـهـا و مِن جُلِّ ما يـخـصـهـا ...
و بعد بحثٍ مُكثف ، أتضح في قضيتها إنها هـارِبـة رفقة عَشيقها! .
𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐘:@kimrossy12
𝐒: 27/4/2024
𝐄: // // ////
•الرِواية بِقلمي و من تفكيري الخاص و إن وجدت المثل لها ، فَ هوَ مجرد تشابُه