Hey Everyone! The BullSh+t Store on ko-fi is busy behind the scenes! It is a way for all authors on any writing site to get recognized. All items customizable. From clothes to BS even TP Our Stories. No Your stories. It's Your store. All proceeds go right back into the writers community. So much talent is unrecognized. It seems to be a writer 'boosted 25 times. Always the same writers seemingly get 'noticed.' We all have a voice. So keep writing and we will show you how valued you are. Fun and a way for all to participate. If you have ideas or have a book or anything we are happy to ' showcase it on the site. (ie Your Amazon Link,Etsy etc) The goal is less stress, more press and your success. "Authors Away' 😊😉🌞 Stop in Your ko-fi shop. Busy behind the scenes. Here's Your Store link: https://ko-fi.com/elkih https://ko-fi.com/i/IK3K115QWORAll Rights Reserved