Dorothea Harcourt is a sixteen year old Hogwarts student and aspiring historian. With a tendency to get entirely too wrapped up in the unknown, desperate to figure it out completely, she's horribly afraid of loose ends.
Whilst back to school shopping, a journal falls into her hands and begins to write her cryptic messages, egging her on and practically dragging her mind to 1942 whilst her physical form stays in 1992, simply going about the motions. Waiting.
In 1942 lives Tom Riddle. Sixteen years old, terribly arrogant, exceedingly brilliant and painfully perfect. To those around him, he appears to be a quiet student with a silver tongue, able to fancy himself however he wants to be viewed. Internally power hungry, privately wrapped up in a need to prove himself. He'd be lying if he claimed he was true to himself, and anyone else would be lying just the same if they claimed to know him. Truly know him.
With 50 years between them, Dorothea, unbeknownst to her, is caught up in a fragment of his soul split and preserved in the pages.
Tom is entirely unprepared for the storm that will rain on his life and tear down every wall he's fought so hard to put up. The storm brewing at the hands of Dorothea Harcourt, who, by every law except time, should have never crossed his path.
But time is never a straight line, and everything that will ever happen is already happening. Just not the way you'd expect.