Janine, the eldest, leads the family with responsibility, often feeling overwhelmed but always caring for her siblings. Lorenelle, the emotional heart, offers support and comfort but sometimes feels unappreciated. Gyanina, the quiet one, brings calm and faith to the family, though she sometimes feels overlooked. Axia, thoughtful and logical, struggles to balance peace and practicality. The playful twins, Ahtasha and Kayleigh, bring joy but test boundaries, while Francis, the youngest, shows love through small but meaningful gestures. Together, their differences make them stronger, teaching them the importance of working together and supporting each other.
kto wie, ten wie ;)
A kto nie wie - krótkie opowiadania erotyczne
zamówienia otwarte🐢
Napiszę wszystko, gxb, gxg, bxb, trójkąty, czworokąty, orgie itp.
Jeśli chodzi o gxg lub bxb to średnio umiem, ale może pojawi się kilka rozdziałów.
Wstawiam shoty w miarę możliwości codziennie, może nawet czasem kilka dziennie.
TW: seks, przemoc, alkohol, narkotyki itp.
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