In the heart of the Caribbean, amidst the lush rainforest of Puerto Rico, a young and enigmatic captain named Marisol Colón leads a cargo ship under the Phantomhive business. At just sixteen years old, she carries the weight of an ancient gift-and curse-from the Taino God of Death, Guayaba. Her immortality, granted for her unwavering dedication to her heritage, has made her both a formidable force and a mysterious figure. But Marisol's fate intertwines with Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis as they uncover dark secrets lurking beneath the sugar trade and the true cost of power.
As they venture through the island's history and folklore, they encounter the haunting legends of brujas, chupacabras, and the spirits of those who were lost to colonial oppression. But there is more to Marisol than meets the eye-her connection to the gods, her lineage, and her battle with the very forces that seek to control the land's blood-soaked history.
In The Lich's Compass, join Ciel, Sebastian, and Marisol on an unforgettable journey into the past, where the line between the living and the dead is blurred. With each step, the past unveils itself, and Puerto Rico's rich history and culture come alive-from the Taino people's ancient rituals and struggles against colonization to the dark secrets hidden in the shadows of sugar plantations.
Learn about Puerto Rican history and its vibrant culture, steeped in resilience and the spirit of those who fought to keep their traditions alive. But beware: the journey may lead you to truths that are better left hidden-and to a Lich who is as much protector as she is a product of tragedy.
Will the Phantomhives survive the cursed legacy of the island? Or will they become part of its haunting history forever?