In this captivating tale, Jennifer Edwards, a 25-year-old from Muskogee, Oklahoma, finds herself at a crossroads after a devastating betrayal. One fateful night, after discovering her husband's infidelity with her best friend, Jennifer takes a walk to clear her mind. Tragically, she is shot and, as she lies bleeding, makes a desperate wish to be reborn in a world filled with adventure and wonder.
As she approaches death, Jennifer is enveloped by a bright light and finds herself in the presence of Arceus, the creator of the Pokémon universe. Arceus grants her a second chance at life, offering her five wishes. Jennifer wishes to be reborn as Ash Ketchum's older sister, to have the ability to communicate with Pokémon, to possess unparalleled Pokémon training skills, to be born as an Aura Guardian, and to become a Pokémon Ace Ranger. Additionally, she wishes for Riley to be her soulmate and to journey together with Ash, who is 9 years old.
Reborn as Amelia Ketchum, Jennifer's memories of her past life blend seamlessly with her new identity. She becomes a loving and protective sister to Ash, and together with Riley, they embark on countless adventures, catching Pokémon and battling trainers. Amelia's unique abilities and deep connection to the Pokémon world make her an invaluable mentor to Ash, helping him on his quest to become the greatest Pokémon Trainer.
This story is a heartwarming and thrilling journey of second chances, family bonds, and the magic of the Pokémon universe. 🌟📚✨
Try seeing things from another point of view...
Fresh wants to feed off of a long lasting host, he wants to exist longer. How will he do this and how will he survive? Once he finds a way the host Has his own plans to break free from the prison within his mind. There are also a few references to comics at some points, so keep that in mind.