Anna Margaret aka Margot is the 16-year-old daughter of Elliot and Olivia Stabler. For the past several weeks, a group of kids in Margot's class have been bullying her. They've been calling her names and have even sent Margot to the hospital on three separate occasions with a broken nose, a broken wrist, and a broken jaw. This was all because they were jealous of Margot because she was excelling in school and they weren't. The "leader" of the group told Margot that no one likes a know-it-all and that she isn't welcome at their school anymore. Things escalate when the teacher assigns a project where each student has to create a newspaper that is due in one week. When Margot's newspaper gets published in the New York Times, the group vows to get back at Margot. Margot went home, wrote a note to her family, and attempted suicide. Olivia and Kathleen, Margot's second oldest sister, find Margot on the floor; bleeding profusely from a single gunshot wound to the head. Elliot, Olivia, and their family and friends vow to find those responsible for Margot's suicide attempt and bring them to justice.
Alexa has gotten into some trouble over the years and her mother has finally had enough of her rebellious ways. So she sends her to live with her uncle Antonio Dawson in Chicago, hoping he will be able to straighten her out. But moving to Chicago has not been easy for Alexa, she runs into more trouble but this time she has Antonio and Voigt to help her out. Thanks to them she realize that family is the strongest bond, and that family isn't just blood related. Alexa finally understands what its like to have a family who supports you and looks out for you.