Malaika Arora was spotted at a shoot in Mumbai on Thursday in a dramatic black gown. The former VJ and reality TV personality made the look seem elevated and sultry with her effortless wavy hairstyle and glossy makeup. Keep reading to find out all about Malaika's all-black look that oozed old Hollywood glamour, and have a closer look at her glamorous ensemble ahead.
Malaika wore a regal black gown, the floor-sweeping dress had a boat neck, a ruched bodice, long sleeves, a built-in beaded belt cinched at the waist, and an exaggerated shoulder pad. The dress, which also featured a thigh-high slit and an open back. Malaika wore her hair in impressive beach waves, which cascaded all the way down her back. Her stunning makeup in shimmery bronze hue complemented the glamorous aesthetic of her outfit, while her statement rings and chandelier earrings brought all the necessary glamour.