Dewjirawat And winmetawin "If love can't began with us the least i can do for you is let it end without us" This story is about two boys who loves to hate eachother but hates to love The story starts with one getting his dream job and one losing Dew jirawat is a 27 year old rich guy who is known as the hot playboy of acting industry who only lived with anger,money and lust He only ever cared for his bestfriend since childhood who was nani hirunkit Winmetawin is a young 22 years old guy who flies to a new city in a hope of getting his dream job not knowing on the way there he would meet a guy who would come like Storm and stay like air in his life They get into a fight at the airport Dew was highly drunk as he was stressed about losing his job and reputation because of his ex girlfriend and could only remember win's kissable lips the other day Dew insanely falls inlove with win's lips in just first sight not recognizing his whole face He hire's an sketch artist to draw win's lips to find him in between the betrayals and twists comes up like hurdles but despite the endless fights the universe keeps tying them with the same fate of destinyAll Rights Reserved